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Teacher Training, and why we think you should do it close to home.

As tempting as it might sound to jet off overseas and complete a teacher training, here are 3 reasons why we recommend you complete your 200hrs Yoga Teacher Training a little closer to home…

With so many level 1 teacher trainings on offer it can be overwhelming to decide where to study. While all trainings and course have something special, we personally recommend studying in the city (or at least the same state) in which you live.

1. Your Yoga Family

Check out our testimonials page, and you’ll notice something that comes up time and time again. Life long friends. A yoga family. Study anywhere in the world and you’ll make close friendships, yet face to face communication and community cannot be beaten. This is especially helpful during a teacher training. At first it may seem doubtful, but the people you train with will often end up knowing you very, very well, becoming close friends and perhaps most importantly, a strong network of support. Teacher training is often followed by change, sometimes in career, but just as often, life in general. Having people around you who ‘get it’ makes the transition much, much sweeter.

2. Getting a Job

This carries right on from Your Yoga Family. Your peers are the people who will refer employers to you when offered classes they can’t take. They’ll be the ones giving you a call when they need a cover. Often the people you study with will be your first foot in the door when first becoming a paid yoga teacher taking group classes.

3. A Place to Call home

Once you’ve completed a teacher training in a physical place it changes and may become very close to your heart. Your home studio will be a place of huge growth, challenge, change and excitement (and more than likely a few tears!) The benefit of a home studio is that continual connection to your first teachers, ongoing workshops, trainings and support (both for CDP and personal growth) plus the added benefits of being able to assist classes (an invaluable experience that every beginner teacher should jump at) furthering your skills and boosting your confidence to teach!

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