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Keeping Your Yoga Teaching Fresh and Vital

We’ve all had the experience as yoga teachers of getting stuck in auto pilot mode while teaching. Perhaps you graduated your teacher training a while ago and you haven’t done any new study since. Or perhaps your own personal practice is a bit ‘stuck’ and you need to reignite it with some new insights and fresh energy.

Whatever the reason from time to time every yoga teacher benefits from diving back into study and refreshing their skills. The Sukha Mukha Advanced Teacher Training is specifically designed to support your teaching through supporting you as a yoga teacher – both in terms of your own personal practice (which is often a mirror for your teaching) and in terms of your skills and knowledge as a teacher. Through a practical hands on approach you will learn more about and refine your skills in adjustments and subtle touch, you will expand your ‘go-to’ asana teaching repertoire learning how to build a ‘masterclass’ around one or more key asana. You will learn how to more effectively apply the philosophical and spiritual teachings of yoga into your classes to give them extra ‘juice’ and depth. You will also deepen your own self-practice and form powerful relationships with mentors who will help you to‘unstick’ areas of stuckness and step into your full potential as a teacher; as well as forming strong bonds with other yoga teachers on the training who will form a Satsang or community of like-minded people with whom you will connect and be supported on this vibrant and powerful journey.

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