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Individual Training Programs



Join Katie for 3 days of inspiration explosion!

This is one of our best sellers...

Drawing on the Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras, learn how to effectively integrate spiritual teachings of yoga into your classes naturally, without being too ‘out-there’ or ‘over-sharing’ your personal story. Learn philosophy of yoga in relation to daily life, mantra and chanting with Nada yoga (music). Explore what it means to be a spiritual activist and the path of the yogi in the modern world.

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The human voice is the organ of the soul.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Our voice is a natural gift yet many of us have issues with speaking up, and expressing our thoughts, feelings and emotions in ways that are authentic to who we are. Over the years many of us express what we believe is expected of us, or what we have come to believe conforms to the “norms” of the culture we are surrounded by. And yet more and more research shows how detrimental it is to our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing when we don't feel able to express our true self.

This training is for all humans who want to develop greater confidence in finding and using their voice.

You might be a teacher, student, facilitator, speaker, business owner or someone who simply wants to ask for what they need and set clearer boundaries.


What makes our teaching and practice of yoga sustainable?

Certainly, the events of the last years have highlighted that we cannot rely on external factors to keep our teaching and practice steady. The landscape for yoga teachers has shifted and changed so much and is continuing to do so. In this powerful and supportive Advanced Teacher Training module we will explore how we can continue to thrive and survive as yoga teachers. Course directors Idit Hefer-Tamir and Katie Rose have re-worked this module completely  to support you during this time of change. Filled with creativity, deeper inquiry into the light and the shadow, finding the voice that is waiting to be expressed through YOU. A most nourishing and nurturing module that will leave you rejuvenated, refreshed & ready to dive into the world with new eyes.

The Teachers

T&C : *Please note that we do not offer any refunds. Payments are non refundable. Payment in part or in full confirms your place and is therefore binding. In special circumstances if you are unable to attend the course for which you have booked we may consider a transfer or a credit note, at our discretion. Credit notes WILL NOT be offered after the date of the course that has lapsed. Sukha Mukha Yoga serves the right to change the location or the hours of the training if the need arises.

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We are so excited to be offering another dive into the yogic teachings of Patanjali with our beloved Kamala Angel.
This time we will be exploring the concept of Liberation through Sacred Sounds.

तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः ॥२७॥
tasya vācakaḥ praṇavaḥ || YS_1.27 ||

He manifests in the word Oṃ


If for any reason you are unable to attend the session at the time it is run, you can still and recordings will be available to view for 7 days.

As part of the certificate, you will be required to complete 10 x 2 hour Mentoring sessions on Wednesday mornings. Mentoring sessions will offer a chance to spend time with your teachers (Katie ,Idit and at times Guest teachers) and work on particular issues or questions in a more in-depth way. There will be an opportunity to post questions in advance for detailed exploration in the sessions. We will also work on specific asana (‘asana lab’) as well as covering any areas of further enquiry which arise from the module content.

Mentoring Times: Wednesdays at 9:30 - 11:30am

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