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With Katie Rose

Online Advanced Teacher Training (25 CPD)

Friday 5th-Sunday 7th May, 2022

8:00 - 16:30   //   Cost: $600   //   Via Zoom




Working one-to-one with students gives us an opportunity to go deeper.  How many times as a yoga teacher have you observed a student in class and noted that with just a little time together you could help them amplify and elevate their practice enormously? Whether it is to offer guidance on alignment, breath or general confidence and self-mastery, most of us can benefit from focused attention in our practice.  In fact this is the way yoga was always traditionally taught and there are many benefits to it.  In this module you will: 


- Develop and reflect on your own personal practice (sadhana) as a way of getting really clear on what you can offer out in the world as a teacher.


- Grow in confidence and ‘up-level’ your teaching, no matter how long you have been teaching for. 


- Receive individual feedback from Katie on your teaching and your practice. 


- Practice and learn some beautiful mantras and Japa meditation 


- Do a teaching observation and unpack what you observe as a methodology for learning - this module is super practical and we use breakout groups via zoom as a method for really making the online space work as a learning environment.


- Dive into teaching the full spectrum of yoga in your classes including pranayama, chanting, spiritual ‘dharma’, guided relaxation and holding space for true personal growth. The nuts and bolts of how to build a rich, diverse and truly holistic yoga class. 


- Learn about women's work, yoga practice for moon cycle and serving women in your classes and workshops. 


- Learn about the 5 koshas or layers of the self and how we can use this subtle anatomy model to serve our students in a yoga class on all levels - body, subtle body, emotional body, mind and spirit-soul. 


- Gain some valuable business insights into how to make teaching yoga sustainable and financially viable as a career, specifically by adding private sessions with your students to your offerings.

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