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Advanced sequencing according to the Chakras
with Idit Hefer Tamir

Friday March 1st - Sunday March 3rd, 2023

Times: 08:00-16:30   //   Cost: $600 (EB By Feb 1st / $675 Full price)

What will you learn?


Intelligent Sequencing is the foundation of all good yoga classes.

Nowadays there is often a lot of creativity in classes, but a lack of intelligence. Other times we teach the same poses again and again as we find our lost, and are unsure how to change this pattern, while maintaining our "true" and "authentic" style of teaching and voice.

Learning and working around the Chakras system and module, we will find a way to weave in our own creative energy, while maintaining the intelligence of the class on all levels: physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically and honoring all our students, wherever they are on this wonderful path called: Yoga and Life.


This course is open ao all yoga teachers. Whether you have been teaching for many years or just recently graduated from your first teacher training.

It will inspire you to continue your journey with more spirit infused in your classes and in your life.


The meaning of Vinyasa Krama is:

Vi – order
Nyasa – Placement
Krama – the uninterrupted sequence of events from beginning to end
(definition by Sharon Gannon of Jivamukti Yoga)

Vinyasa Krama – The orderly placement of the sequence of events.

Placing ourselves in an order, step by step, in which each step is of importance. Each step is a progress of the previous step, and a progress towards the step to come.


This applies to our practice both on and off the mat.


In this training 

  • We will look more closely into the Chakras system and what each represents and celebrates

  • we will reflect on creating sequencing mindfully, intelligently and holistically physically, energetically, and philosophically / spiritually.

  • From Western Anatomy and phisyology we will consider the steps necessary for each Asana to support the next as we journey through a class.​​

  • We will consider theme-ing and intelligent sequencing to support the theme of your choice. 

  • We will inspire each other to move away from auto-pilot teaching and practicing, and to be of greater service to our students.

  • We will look at advanced alignment – how to teach difficult and advanced poses both safely and in relation to class themes.

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