Monthly Gatherings for Rest Lovers
Next Session Sunday May 1st
"Letting Go, Letting Be"
Monthly Online Gatherings to support Rest & Wellbeing
This offering is for all: Yoga students and teachers alike.
Restorative yoga and the practice of REST helps us check in, connect with ourselves and our state of being. With this practice we challenge the modern concept of "Busy" as a form of status. Many of us feel the pressure and the need to fill our lives with endless ""doing", hoping it will validate our sense of self, purpose and life, only to find out it doesn't, and that we have been chasing our own tail, and are now fatigued.
Carving out time to rest, teaching our nervous system to return to its original state of relaxation, helps us become less reactive, appreciate more the present moment, and deal with challenges as and when they arise.
These monthly offerings are for all of us to meet, connect, share the wisdom and possibilities that lie within carving our time, rather than waiting for time to appear, to heal, to flourish and blossom.
When: Sunday Evening once a month
Time: 19:00-21:00 (Sydney Australia time)
Cost: $40
Upcoming dates for 2022:
Sunday May 1st
What is included?
A 2 hours restorative gathering: 90 minutes class + 30 minutes discussion / reflection / journaling / Q+A
+ Students receive a link to the class recordings.
+ class plan
+ 20-30 minutes suggested home practices for the month (3-4 practices for the month)
+ suggested podcast / reading / inspiration
The when, how & what
Letting Go,
Letting Be
Sunday May 1st
19:00-21:00 via zoom
"To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own."
~ Jack Kornfield